Sunday, May 25, 2008

Accommodating All Kinds of Needs

If your computer used by many people with different kinds of need, you can use the User Profiles facility. To activate this facility, double-click the Password icon on the Control Panel. Alternatively, try to modify the Programs folder. Right-click on the Start button, click Explore, and then double-click Programs folder. Start creating a private folder for every user.
Optimizing Run menu

- To open a folder usually you have to run the Windows Explorer first, and then explore the hard disk contents until you find the right folder. Actually, there is another method by using the Run menu. Click your mouse on the Start button, point to Run, type the name of the folder you want to open (e.g. "Recent"), and then press Enter. A window filled with all files in C:\Windows\Recent folder will appear on the screen.

- To open the main folder, click your mouse on the Start button, click Run, type \ (backslash) character, and then click OK.

- Click on the Start - Run, enter .. (two dot character), and then click OK or press Enter. You will see C:\Windows folder.

- Want to open your favorite web site via Run menu? Just click on the Start - Run, enter its address (ex :, and then click OK or press Enter. Internet Explorer will be opened and after a moment you will see that site.

- If you are working in a network, use the Run box dialog to enter UNC (Universal Naming Convention) to folder at the server.

- To find out about full path and hidden extension for some files that hidden in the Explorer window, just click and drag that file to the Run box dialog.
Preventing the Screen Saver

When you are waiting for the Disk Defragmenter, Scan Disk, or Compression Agent process, the screen saver suddenly appears on the monitor screen. Obviously, the Defragmentation process for example, will be repeated from the beginning. To solve this problem, usually you have to deactivate the screen saver facility by using the Display Properties dialog box. Actually, there is another method. First, run the Disk Defragmenter or Scan Disk and then press Ctrl+Esc key to show the Start menu. Leave the Start menu open until the Disk Defragmenter or Scan Disk process is completed. This method will prevent the screen saver from appearing on the screen.
Quick Method to Activate an Application (1)

Placing too much shortcut in the Start menu can make it difficult to access. To get around this situation, you can use the Run menu to activate your favorite applications, which is not yet include in the Start menu. To do so, perform these steps:

First, open the Windows Explorer, and then select your favorite document or folder. Click Edit-Copy menus. Switch to c:\Windows\command folder, and then click Edit-Paste Shortcut menus.

Select the shortcut, press F2 key, and then type a new shorter name. For example, for a shortcut to Microsoft Paint you can name it "paint" or "pnt". From now on, to activate Microsoft Paint, all you must do is click on the Start button, click Run, (or press Ctrl + Esc + r), type paint, and finally press Enter.
Quick Method to Activate an Application (2)

Add & character right before the name of an application on the Start menu (C:\Windows\Start Menu), for example Microsoft &Excel. From now on, you can activate Microsoft Excel by pressing Ctrl+Esc, P, and then E.
Simplifying the Start Menu

Probably you want to simplify your Start-Programs menu, since too many shortcuts inside it. For examples, you can remove the StartUp folder or shortcuts to unusable applications. You do not have to delete those items from the Start Menu-Programs folder that make you difficult to display it again in the future. The better method is by activating hidden attribute on all those items. To hide the StartUp folder for example, try these steps:

Right-click on the Start button, choose Open, and then go to Programs folder. Right-click on the StartUp folder and choose Properties. Check the Hidden attribute, and finally click OK.

From now on, the StartUp folder will disappear from the Start-Programs menu, but all files/programs inside it are still be activated on Windows startup.
Start Menu Cleanup Utility

Here is another utility you definitely want to put into your System Tools folder. It's called Start Menu Cleanup and it's located in C:\Windows folder as SMTIDY.EXE. It is only available if the Plus! 98's Maintenance Wizard installed in your computer.

It locates any non-working Start Menu shortcuts, as well as any folders that may only contain a single object. In the case of broken shortcuts it will simply remove them. As for folders containing only one item, it will offer to move them up one level to cut down on the number of folders. Best of all, you can be selective about which items to change and which ones to leave alone. Simply uncheck any items you don't want to change before clicking OK. To get a log of all Start Menu Cleanup activity, look for SMWIZ.LOG in C:\Windows folder.
Windows 98 is an Unfinished Program?

Click on the Start button and point to Settings. While holding down the CTRL key, click on the Taskbar & Start menu option. The Taskbar Properties dialog box will appear on the screen. Watch there is a new tab called DeskBar Options, but you cannot change anything on this tab.
Checking the Web Site Speed

Taking too much time to access your favorite sites? Probably the problem is on the server used by those sites. To make sure that is the problem, use Windows 98's PING facility. Ping is a small program, which sends a 32-bit signal to the Web site server. Next, Ping record the time needed by the server to answer it. To activate Ping:

Click on the Start-Run menus, type command, and then click OK. Type PING "site name" in the MS-DOS prompt window, for example PING In a moment, the result will appear on the screen. A result less than 300ms is normal speed while a result more than 400ms is slow speed.

If "Request timed out" message appears on the screen that means the Web site server is not responding in one second. Probably it happens because the server is too slow, or designed on purpose not to respond to the ping test, or you forgot to specify your name server addresses in the TCP/IP settings dialog box.
Copying the Favorite folder

There is an easy way to copy your favorite Web address, which is saved in the Internet Explorer, to another computer. Just copy the C:\Windows\Favorites folder to a diskette, and then copy the diskette content to the same location in another computer.
Creating a Connection Log

You can create a file log, which is useful to record all connection to the Internet activity. This log is useful to check if any problem happened when you connected to your ISP. First, click on the Start, Settings, Control Panel menus. Double-click on the Network icon. Select the Dial-Up Adapter from the list, and then click the Properties button.

Click the Advanced tab, click the Record a log file option from the Property list, and then select Yes from the Value drop down list. Click OK and OK, to close the dialog boxes. Double-click the Connection to Internet shortcut in the Dial-Up Networking to start surf the World Wide Web. A file named Ppplog.txt will be created in the C:\Windows folder. You can open and read this file by using Notepad.
Creating an Easy to Remember Password

Some time it is hard to remember your own password. Too simple a password makes it easier for somebody else to guess your password. As a solution, you can mix numbers, small letters, capital letters, and symbols to compose your password.

First, think two or three word that are easy for you to remember. For example, use your own name such as JOHN SULLIVAN. Next, change the "O", "I", and "S" letters with "0", "1", and "5" numbers, so it becomes J0HN 5ULL1VAN.

Change the empty space with ~ or & symbols, so it become J0HN~5ULL1VAN. Finally, use capital letters for the consonants and small letters for the vowels. So the final password will be J0HN~5uLL1VaN.
DUN Remembers Passwords

To get DUN to remember your dial-up password, you'll need to install the client for Microsoft Networks. Open the Control Panel, double-click on Network, and then highlights Client for Microsoft Networks. Select Add, Client and Add again, then click on all of the OK buttons.
Easter Egg in Outlook Express

Click the Compose Message toolbar button. Select Format-Rich Text (HTML) from the menu. Click on the body of the message. Select the font box, and type "athena" (without quotation mark). Press Enter. Close the Compose Message window. When asked "Do you want to save changes to this message?" select No. Go back to the main Outlook Express window. Select the Outlook Express icon, above Inbox, on the left-hand side. Click on an empty space between, for example, Read Mail and Read News. Type about. This will launch the Easter egg.
Easter Egg on the Internet Explorer 4.0

Load up a browser window and go into Help. Click on - About Internet Explorer. Once the animation has stopped, hold down CTRL and drag the 'E' in the top-right corner of the dialog to the left of the 'Microsoft Internet explorer 4.0' text. Keeping CTRL held down, "push" this text to the right and you will reveal an 'Unlock' button. Release CTRL and click on this button... After this, pick up (with CTRL down) the 'E' again and let it drop on the globe! What you see will be a credit video will start playing at the top left of the screen.
Easter Egg on Internet Explorer 5.0

Open Notepad, and then type "" (without the quotes). Save the file as "test.htm". Open up "test.htm" in Internet Explorer 5.0 and enjoy the first Easter Egg.

Now for the second Easter Egg. You must go online, and the open up Internet Explorer 5.0 browser. From the menu, select Tools > Internet Options > General (tab) > Languages (button). Press Add, type "ie-ee" (without the quotes) and click OK. Move "User Defined [ie-ee]" to the top of the list. Exit back to the browser, and then click on the Search icon (to pull up the side search menu). Click on Customize and enjoy the Easter Egg.
Extra Parameter for Your Modem

By adding an extra parameter into the Dial-Up Networking, you can speed up your modem dial speed to the Internet. To do so, click the Start-Settings-Control Panel menus, and then double-click Modems icon to open Modem Properties box. Click the Properties button, click Connection tab, and then click the Advanced button. In the Extra Settings box, type S11=40, and then click OK. The 40 number shows the times between two dial tone in milliseconds.
Extra Settings to Optimize Your Modem

Use these following settings to optimize your modem performance:

1. Double-click the Modems icon in the Control Panel, click the Properties button, click the Connection tab, and then click the Port Settings button. Check the Use FIFO buffers option, and drag the button to the right corner (High (14)).

2. Double-click the Modems icon in the Control Panel, click on the Properties button, and from the Maximum speed drop down list choose 115200. Click on the Connection tab, click the Advanced button, and then uncheck the Use error control and Required to connect options. Finally, click OK to save the new setting.

3. If you place your modem too close to a fluorescent lamp, it might cause interference when you transmit or receive data from the Internet. That is why, if you have a fluorescent desk lamp it is necessary to place it far from your modem.
More Internet Hiddens Setting and Tips & Tricks

NetMaster 99 is a special utility designed to configure and personalize Internet related settings in Windows 98/95. From optimize Internet Connection performance (adjust NDI cache, IPMTU, RcvWindow, Time to Live, MaxMTU, Boost modem transfer speed, etc.), access Internet Explorer's hidden settings, access Outlook Express's hidden settings, to access general Internet settings in Windows 98/95. In addition, you will get many of selected Internet Tips & Tricks to boost your productivity. Download now from our site
No more Enter key

If you are using Internet Explorer 5.0, you can simply paste or type a URL in the address bar and then click on "Go" button. You don't need to press the Enter key anymore.
Optimizing Your Modem Speed

Click the Start-Run menu, type Sysedit, and then click OK. Open WIN.INI file and go to the [Port] section. Edit the port mode value to:


x = the modem port number
921600 = maximum speed (bps)
n = non-parity
8 = 8 data bits
1 = 1 stop bit
p = hardware flow control
Removing Logon to the Internet

Every time you connect to the Internet, you always see the logon dialog box that asking you to enter your name and password. Do not waste you time just to reenter the same name and password. You can remove this logon stuff in a second. To do so, click the Start, Programs, Accessories menus, and then open the Dial-Up Networking folder. Click the Connections, Settings menus. Uncheck the Prompt for Information Before Dialing option. If you want to redial when the channel is busy, check the Redial option, and then enter the information in the appropriate box.
Speed up TCP/IP

You can speed up your Dial-Up Networking (DUN) TCP/IP connection time in Windows 98, when you dial in to your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to log on to the Internet. To do so, first locate your "Dial-Up Networking" icon in Explorer, found by default in the \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Dial-Up Networking folder.

Right-click on your connection icon (the name varies, depending on your ISP) and select Properties. Select the "Server Types" tab. On the "Advanced Options" screen, check ONLY the "Enable software compression" box. On the "Allowed network protocols" screen, check ONLY the "TCP/IP" box. Click the "TCP/IP Settings" button. Check the "Server assigned IP address" and the "Specify name server addresses" boxes.

Type in your own ISP's server assigned address numbers in the "Primary DNS" and "Secondary DNS" boxes. In the "Primary WINS" and "Secondary WINS" boxes, type only zeroes. Check the "Use IP header compression" and the "Use default gateway on remote network" boxes. Click OK until all dialog boxes are closed, to save all your settings.
Speed up the Dial-Up Networking

Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon in My Computer. Right-click on a connection that you want, click Properties. Click Server Type tab, and then uncheck the NetBEUI and IPX/SPX options (make sure the TCP/IP option still checked). Next, uncheck the Log on to network option. Click OK, and OK to close the dialog box. Double-click Network icon on the Control Panel, click the Dial-Up Adapter option from the list, and then click Properties. Click the Bindings tab, and then remove all options on the list, except the TCP/IP option. Click OK and OK.
Tracking the Data Channel

Use the Tracert facility to track the route that travelled by the data from a Web site server to your computer. To activate Tracert, click on Start, Run menus. Type command and then click OK to show the MS-DOS prompt windows. In the C:\, type TRACERT site name.

On the screen will appear 30 steps (maximum) that showing names, addresses, and response time of all router. Press the Ctrl+C key to exit.

The access speed to a Web site depends on the total response from its channel. Although only five router passed by your data, if each router needs 200 ms to respond, that is worse than nine routers with a total response time of 200 ms. Using the Tracert facility, you can find out the slowest router. If this router is your ISP router, probably you need to try another ISP.
Adding a New Help File to the Windows Help

Run the Explorer and then click View-Options menu. Click View tab, and then check the Show all files options. Click OK. Copy the help file and its content (*.hlp and *.cnt) that you want to merge into the C:\Windows\Help folder. On the Explorer windows, switch to C:\Windows\Help folder. Make a copy of Windows.cnt file, and then name it as Win95cnt.bak. Use this file as a backup.

Run Notepad, and then open Windows.cnt file. At the top section, you will find several rows that begin with :Index word. Below of the last :Index row, insert this row:

:Index Yourhelpfiletitle =Yourhelpfilename.hlp

Press the Ctrl+End keys to switch to the last row. Below of the last :Index row, insert this row:

:include Yourhelpfilename.cnt

Press Enter at the end of the new row to create an empty row. Save Windows.cnt file and then close Notepad. You do not have to restart Windows 98. Just click on the Start button, and then click Help to view the new Help that you have added on the Windows 98 Help. You will see a new chapter in the bottom of the help content list. You also can insert this new help into the topic finder. To do so, click Find tab, and then follows all procedures as describe above.
Can you recognize .GRA extension?

You have found a strange document with .GRA (or others) extension, and getting trouble to identify it from its icon or extension. How to solve this problem?

Use Registry Editor to recognize any document you want. Follow these steps:

- Click on Start - Run, type regedit, and then click OK to open Registry Editor window.
- Open HKey_Classes_Root branch, and find out the file extension that you are looking for.
- Click that icon extension to open it. On the right panel of the Registry Editor you will see the owner of that file.
Changing Keyboard Layout via Systray

Open the Control Panel by clicking Start button-Settings-Control Panel. Double-click on the Keyboard icon. Click on Language tab, click the Add button to add others languages you want and then click OK. Finally, check the Enable indicator on taskbar option.

From now on, you can change your keyboard layout quickly by right-clicking the Language Indicator in the SysTray (located in the right side of Windows taskbar).
Checking Your Old Pentium Machine

One of the biggest news in 1994 is the discover of Intel Pentium bug. If you have an old Pentium machine, perhaps you want to test it. To do so, run the Calculator application, then click the View-Scientific menu. Perform this simple calculations: (4195835/3145727) x 3145727. The correct result is 4195835, but the result from Pentium with bug is 4195579.
Creating a Permanent Swap File

Unlike Windows 3.1x that uses permanent swap file, Windows 98 uses dynamic swap files (a swap file that can become bigger or smaller automatically). Nevertheless, you can still create a permanent swap file on Windows 98. To do so, right-click on My Computer icon, click Properties and then click Performances tab. Click the Virtual Memory button. Click the Let me specify my own virtual memory settings option. Fill in the same number both in the Minimum and in Maximum box, for example 15 MB. Click OK.

To get to know the real size of your swap memory, use the MS-Info application that is available in Microsoft Office suite. First, run one or more applications, for example MS-Word and MS-Excel. Click Help-About menu from one of the applications and then click System Info. Now, you can watch the swap memory size. Use this amount to fill in the Minimum and Maximum box.

The advantage of using permanent swap file in Windows 98 is quicker access, and faster Defragmentation process.
Displaying your company logo

Do you want to display your company logo or your picture on Windows 98 System Properties? Just follows these steps:

First, use your graphics application to create or scan your company logo. Change the picture size to 160 x 120 pixel, and then save as oemlogo.bmp at C:\Windows\System folder. Open Notepad, and then type text as appear below:

Manufacturer=Your company name
Model=Your company address
[Support Information]
Line1=For technical support, call your-company-phone-number
Line3=Work hour:
Line4=Monday - Friday 08.00 - 16.00

Save as oeminfo.ini at C:\Windows\System folder. Now, open the Control Panel, and then double-click the System icon. Your company logo and other information that you have typed will appear on the General tab. Meanwhile, the information you have typed on the [Support Information] section will appear when you click the Support Information button.
Easter Egg in Windows 95

Right-click on Windows 95 desktop, select New, and then select Folder. Rename this new folder with "and now, the moment you've all been waiting for" (without quotation mark).

Right-click on that folder, select Rename and then type "we proudly present for your viewing pleasure" (without quotation mark).

Right-click on that folder, select Rename and then type "The Microsoft Windows 95 Product Team!" (without quotation mark).

Finally, double-click on that folder.
Easter Egg in Windows 95 Help

On Windows Desktop press F1, the Help Topics: Windows Help dialog box will appears on the screen. Click on Find tab and follow the instruction that appears in the Find Setup Wizard dialog box. This is necessary if you never done it before.

Click the Options button, and then select "All the words you typed in any order" option. In the Show words that box, make sure "Begin with the characters you type options" option is selected, and then click OK.

In the "Type the word(s) you want to find" box, type "Who knows who built this tool?" (without quotation mark). Press and hold down Shift+Ctrl keys while you click the Clear button. Click on the Options… button, and then select At least one of the words you typed.

In the Show word that box select "Contain the characters you type option" and then click OK. In the "Type the word(s) you want to find" box, type The shadow knows!

Finally, press and hold down Shift+Ctrl keys while you click the Clear button. The Easter egg will appears on the screen.
Faster Backup

Minimize Microsoft Backup when you are doing backup, restore, or compare files. The process will run faster 15-25%.
Fonts for Everyone

If you often to exchange documents with your partner, you must pay attention to what kinds of fonts are used by the documents. By default, there are five true type fonts on Windows 98; they are Arial, Courier New, Symbol, Times New Roman, and Wingdings. If you want your document to be read by another PC with exactly the same looks and format, make sure you only use those five fonts in your documents.
Hidden Application (1)

Object Packager is a hidden application in the Windows 98 folder, which has no icon in the Programs menu. You can activate this application by typing "packager" (without quotation mark) in the Run dialog box. You can use Object Packager to create a package (a group of object that will be included into a document).

There are two small panes inside the Object packager. Appearance-pane used to show the icon that you want to use and Contents-pane used to show the information such as text, sound, picture, animation, etc. You can find more details about Object packager on the Help menu.
Hidden application (2)

Tasks is another hidden application in the Windows 98 folder, which has no icon in the Programs menu. You can activate this application by typing "taskman" in the Run dialog box. This application has similar function to the Taskbar. You can create a shortcut to open this application if necessary, or create a hot key to get quicker access.
Just Say No

When you hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete, you will see a list of what is running on your system. Chances are, you will discover drivers and programs running that you do not need or want. To find out, launch the Win98 System Configuration utility by typing MSCONFIG in the Run command line and pressing Enter. Click on the StartUp tab and deselect the items you think you might be able to live without. Click on OK and reboot. If you later realize you need one of the items you deselected, go back and reselect it.
More Choices at Windows Setup

If you want to reinstall Windows 98, type "setup" followed one or more these parameters:

/is to run setup without checking the system
/id to run setup without checking available free space
/IQ to run setup without checking cross-linked file and directory integrity
/in to run setup without Network Setup Module
/iw to run setup without copyright confirmation
Plus! 98 Product Team Easter Egg

The egg is in the Deluxe CD Player. Go to the edit playlist dialog for any song. Type "Microsoft Plus!98 Product Team" in for the artist. Type "Credits" in for the title. Hold down the ctrl key and click cancel. You will get a new root level item in the tree view of the album. You can expand it to explore the team names.
Printing the BIOS Screen

Make sure that you have turned on your printer. Click on the Start button, click Shut Down, choose Restart the computer, and then click Yes. On the first screen after rebooting, press Del, F1, or F2 depending on what kind of computer that you use. When the BIOS information has appeared on the screen, press PrintScreen button on the keyboard. Your printer will print the information that appears on the screen.
Quick Screen Saver

Use shortcuts not just to activate an application, you can also use it to activate Screen Saver quickly. Windows 98/95 has several default screen savers in c:\Windows folder, that can be recognized by its extensions (*.SCR)
Save Your Font, Save Your Memory

Installing too many font on Windows 98 (at C:\Windows\Fonts folder) will make your computer became slower because it will consume a lot of computer memory. Use the following tips to use fonts without installing it on Windows 98:

First, move all those fonts from its real folder (C:\Windows\Font) to another folder, for example C:\Font. When you want to create a document using those fonts, open the Windows Explorer, open the C:\Font folder, and then double-click each font that you want to use. Run your word processor application, and create a document as usual.
Tracking the Startup Process

Tracking the startup process is useful to find out why the Windows 95 startup failed. To do so, use WordPad applications to open the BOOTLOG.TXT file in c:\. Click Edit, Find menu to open the Find dialog box. Type "fail" (without quotation mark) in the appropriate box and then click Find Next button. If the Find process stops on a sentence that has the word "fail", you have found the problem that caused Windows 98 startup process failure.
Easter Egg in Windows 98/95OSR2's Screen Saver

Right click on the Windows 98/95OSR2 Desktop, choose Properties, click on the Screen Saver tab, and then select 3D Text (Open GL) from the list. Click on the Settings button, and then type "volcano" (without quotation mark) in the Text box. Click OK and then click on the Preview button to try the screen saver. One by one, the screen saver creator's name will appears on the screen.
Windows 98 Product Team Easter Egg

Double-click on the clock (System Tray). Hold Control key [Ctrl] and drag from Memphis (Egypt) to Memphis (USA). Hold Control Key [Ctrl] drag from Memphis (USA) to Redmond WA.
Windows 98 Easter Egg (2)

Failed trying to open Windows 98 Easter Egg? There is another method to open it and it is much more easier. Right-click on the desktop, select New-Shortcut, press the Browse button, and then go to "C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Welcome" folder. Click OK, Next, and then Finish. Right-click this new shortcut and select Properties. At the end of Target column type this text:


Select "Minimized" in the Run column, click Apply, and then click Close. Double-click this shortcut, and enjoy the Windows 98 Easter Egg.
Desktop based

Change folder icon

Open any folder, and from the View menu select Options. Select the File Types tab and scroll down the list of Registered File Types to the Folder item. Select the Folder item, click Edit, and then click the Change Icon button. Select a new icon (.dll, .exe or .ico format). Save your changes. All your folders will display the newly changed icon from now on.
Creating a Transparent Icon

Do you want to create your own transparent icon? The secret is selecting a color to paint the top left corner pixel of your icon. Use the same color to paint another part of your icon, which you want to become a transparent.
Creating an Icon from a Mouse Pointer

You can use a mouse pointer as an icon. To do so, right-click on a document or a shortcut icon you want to change its icon. From the pop-up menu, choose Properties. Click on the Shortcut tab, and then click on the Change Icon button. Use the Browse button to switch to the C:\Windows\Cursors folder. Choose All Files from the Files of Type box, select one of the pointers, and then click OK.

On the other hand, you can use an icon as a mouse pointer. To do so, open the Control Panel, double-click on the Mouse icon, and then click on the Pointers tab. Double-click on a pointer you want to use. Select All Files from the Files of Type columns, then select and double-click on an icon. Finally, click on the OK button.
Creating an Unique File Name

To get an attractive document name, use unique characters. For example, ®WORLD WIDE.doc, ß-Ray.xls, Presentation©.ppt, etc. To find these unique characters, click on the Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tool-Character Map menus. From within the Character Map application, select System font. Click on a character you want to use, such as ß or Ó. At the bottom right corner you can see information that shows the combination keys you must type, for example ALT+0223 for ß.

Go back to your application. Click on the File-Save As menus to save the document and then in the File name box press ALT+0223 to get the ß character.
Creating Your Own Icon

It is easy to create your own icon, just pick a bitmap (.bmp) file and change its extension to .ico. To do so, open the Windows Explorer, click on the View, Folder Options menu, click View tab, remove the check on the "Hide file extensions for known files types" option, and then click OK. Select a bitmap file from your drive, press F2 key, and then change its extension to .ico.
Fast move to main folder

Wherever you are while you open a subfolder, inside the Explorer, My Computer, Open or Save box dialog from an application, or Registry Editor, you can close it by pressing Backspace (¬). Press it as many times as levels of subfolder that you want to close.
Faster Quick View

Do you want to see your document previews faster? Open Windows Explorer, and then activate the Quick View application to see the first file's content. For the next files you can drag the file icons directly into the Quick View window. For easier operation, both windows (Explorer and Quick View) can be tilled vertically on the screen. If you only want to see bitmap, jpeg or gif files, open the Paint window instead of Quick View. The same method can be applied in Media Player to see multimedia files (wave, midi, avi, etc.).
Find Several Type of Files

If you want to find several files with different types, you only need to use a space to separate its extensions, for examples *.doc *.xls *.txt. The same method can be used to find files in several drives at a time. For example, if you want to find files in drive C:, D:, and E: then type C: D: E: in the Look In box.
Logo bug for new shortcut

Right click on desktop, and then click on New, Shortcut. The image displayed on the left side still says "Windows 95" !!
Quick New Folder

Want the fastest way to create a new folder? Press the Alt + FNF key inside My Computer, Network Neighborhood, or Explorer windows. The new folder will appear immediately.
Saving the Find Result

After finding all the files that match specific criteria (by clicking the Start-Find-Files or Folder menu), you can save the result by clicking the File-Save Search menu. In the Windows 98 desktop will appear a shortcut to the result. Therefore, on the future when you need to find all those files, you do not have to manually open the Find dialog box again.
Accessing Applications on a Cluttered Taskbar

If you open too many applications, most of your application names are hidden or cannot be recognized. To solve this problem, try pressing Alt key followed by Tab key. On your Windows 98 desktop will appear a new window, which contains a list of all open files and folders. To switch from one object to another object, press the Tab key again.
An Always Ready to Use Address Bar

One of IE4's most powerful hidden gems is a universal command line, where you can launch programs, open folders, go to Web sites and more. Right-click on the taskbar and select Toolbars/Address. When the Address box shows up on your toolbar, click and hold on the word "Address" and drag it to the top of your desktop. Right-click on it and select Always on Top. Now, when you maximize applications, they'll expand between your Address bar at the top and your taskbar at the bottom.
Changing your Quick Launch icon

You can change the program icons in the Quick Launch bar by right clicking on them, opening the Shortcut tab, and clicking on the Change Icon button. You can pick one of the displayed icons or browse for more choices.
Desktop as Taskbar

Want to activate your applications faster? Start with putting the application shortcuts in the desktop. Double-click the My Computer icon, and then go to the C:\Windows\Desktop folder. Double-click the Desktop folder to open its window, close all previous windows including My Computer. This Desktop window can be moved to any place, or minimized to the taskbar. From now on, if you want to activate your applications, just press the Alt+Tab key, use the arrow keys to select its icon, and then press Enter.
Floating Quick Launch bar

By default, the Quick Launch toolbar sits at the right side of the Start button. But if you've added so many shortcuts to this toolbar that you can't possibly see them all at once, perhaps you'd prefer to transform this toolbar into a floating palette. Once it's free from the Taskbar, you can size this palette to fit the number of shortcuts inside and set its Always on Top option so that it's never out of sight. The result is instant access to all your shortcuts from anywhere.

To turn your Quick Launch toolbar into a floating palette, click the bar on its left edge, drag it out to a blank area on the desktop, and let go. Now you can resize this new palette just as you would any window. Hold your mouse pointer over its edge, and when the pointer changes to a double-pointed arrow, click and drag in any direction. Finally, to be sure that your palette is never out of sight, right-mouse-click its title bar and select Always on Top.
Making Your Shortcuts More Efficient

After working for a long time, perhaps you didn't realize there were so many shortcuts in your Windows environment. For example, you can find a shortcut to Word on the Desktop, Start menu, Programs folder, or Microsoft Office folder. There is a method that you can use to reduce the shortcut amount. First open the Windows Explorer and then select the Tools menu Find, Files or Folder option. Type *.LNK in the Named box and then click on the Find Now button. After waiting for a moment, a shortcut list will appear on the screen. Click on the Name field to sort the list by names. If an application has more than one shortcut, you can pick one and delete the rest of them.
More Creative Pattern

You can create your own pattern, which you can use as Windows 98 desktop background. To do so, perform these steps:

First, right-click on Windows 98 desktop, click Properties, click on the Background tab and then pick a pattern name you want to use as the basic pattern, for example Bricks. Click on the Edit Patterns button.

In the Pattern Editor dialog box, change that basic pattern by clicking a small part from the pattern. Every click will turn the black color to white color or the white color to black color. When you are satisfied with the result, change the pattern name by using the Name box and then click on the Done button.
Opening a Menu on a Cluttered Taskbar

You can open a menu on a cluttered taskbar by moving the mouse pointer to the edge of Taskbar, and then click the right mouse button.
RLE Files as Wallpaper

Not just BMP, DIB, GIF, JPEG or HTML files, you can also use RLE files as Windows Desktop's Wallpaper. To do so, follow these steps:

Right-click on Windows Desktop, choose Properties, and then click the Background tab. Click on the Browse button, type "*.RLE" (without quotation mark) in the File name box, and then press Enter. Explore your hard disk to find the appropriate RLE files, and finally click OK.
Top & Bottom Taskbar

Most people leave the taskbar at the bottom of the screen; others like it at the top. IE 4.0 lets you put it on both the top and the bottom. Simply drag and drop the individual toolbars you want to the top, and leave minimized applications at the bottom. Right-click on the items you have at the top, select Properties and check Always on Top so maximized windows don't cover it. You can also check the Auto Hide option.
Where is The Secret Icon?

All Windows 98 icons come from SHELL32.DLL file that can be found in Windows\Systems folder. There are some other files inside this folder; they are PIFMGR.DLL, SYNCUI.DLL, SYSTRAY.EXE, and AWFEX32.EXE. You can use any of those files to create an icon for a new shortcut or for replacing an old unattractive icon. Additionally, the Windows folder contains the PROGMAN.EXE and MORICONS.DLL file, which are full of Windows 3.x icons.
Control Panel based

An Alternative Way to activate Control Panel

Actually, every Control Panel file can be activated by typing: Control name.cpl command. "Name" means name of file that you want to activate. For example, you can directly activate the Main.cpl, Mmsys.cpl, Desk.cpl, Intl.cpl, Joy.cpl files, etc. Use this method to get faster access to configure the Control Panel items, via the Run box or MS-DOS prompt window.

Benefit from the Control Panel Icons

When you are bored with all of Windows 98 shortcut icons, perhaps it's the time for you to take benefit from the Control Panel icons (*.CPL extension). All those files are located in the Windows\System folder, such as Main.cpl, Mmsys.cpl, Desk.cpl, Intl.cpl, Joy.cpl, etc. The Control Panel only uses the first icon of the available application icons, the rest are yours.
Clean up Control Panel

If you look closely, you will see there are several CPL files in the C:\Windows\System folder. Those files are the property of Control Panel. Sometimes when you install a specific application, a control icon is added to the Control Panel window. Examples are the Find Fast icon from Microsoft Office, the Corel Version icon from CorelDraw 8, etc. If you want, you can delete some of Control Panel files that cannot be used. For safety, it is much better not to delete but just move them to another folder so they can be used on other time.
Settings button next to it.

Advanced Settings for FilterKeys dialog box will be displayed. Select on Slow down keyboard repeat rates, move all sliding button to the Short, click OK, and OK again. Now move to Sound tab, select on Use SoundSentry and then click on Settings button next to it.

Settings for SoundSentry dialog box will be displayed. Choose Flash Desktop on the first column, Flash Display on the second column, and then click OK. Click OK again to close Accessibility Options box.

Starting from now, monitor screen will be blinked every time your friend types something on keyboard.
Move Fast Between Two Desktop Schemes

You can take a benefit from High Contrast, one of the accessibility features, to move fast between two Windows desktop schemes. Click on Start-Setting-Control-Panel-Accessibility Options. If there is no Accessibility Options icon on Control Panel, then you must first install it from Windows 98 CD. Move to Display tab to open the High Contrast feature, and then select Use High Contrast. Click on Settings, and select Use shortcut. On Color Scheme area choose Custom. Choose one of desktop scheme from the list on the right, and click OK.

Move to General tab, deselect Automatic reset, and click OK. Starting from now you can move fast between two desktop scheme by pressing LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN.
Organizing Control Panel

To get more effective desktop, you can organize the Control Panel icons into several Start menu subfolders. Try to organize them based on icon function. For example, Hardware tab consists of the Add New Hardware, Mouse, Joystick, Keyboard, Modems, and Printer icons. Settings tab consists of the Display, Accessibility, Regional Setting, and Password icons, etc. Use the Windows Explorer to do all the procedures, and then create all the shortcuts-that are needed to activate the Control Panel-in the Windows\Start Menu folder.
Removing the Similar Fonts

To save hard disk space and to get faster Windows startup, you might want to delete several types of fonts. To do so, click on the Start button. In the Settings menu, click Control Panel, and then click the Fonts icon. In the View menu, select List Fonts By Similarity. In the List Fonts By Similarity To box, click a standard font type (Arial, Times New Roman, etc). All available fonts will be appeared by their similarities with the selected font. You can delete some of them.
The 24-hours System and AM/PM

If you want to show the zero number on the clock (for example, 9:00 appear as 09:00), try to change the time style to HH:mm:ss ttt. The "H" is a code for 24-hours system that used on some countries in the world. Meanwhile, if you want to use AM/PM (Ante/Post Meridian) system, you need to enter "h" or "hh" code.
An Exception for the Special Extension

Probably you want to show an extension for a specific type of file. To do so, click on the View-Options menu, click on File Types tab, and choose a type of file. Click Edit, check the Always show extension option, and then click OK.
Automatic Field Width

On a regular operation, you can change the Explorer fields width (Name, Size, Type, Modified, etc) by clicking and dragging a thin border between the fields. Actually, there is an easier way by pressing Ctrl and + combinations key.
Copy or Move?

As you know, you can use the drag and drop feature to copy or move files and folder. If you press CTRL key when you drag and drop an object, that means you are doing Copy operation. Meanwhile, if you press SHIFT key when you drag and drop an object that means you are doing Move operation. However, these rules are not valid anymore when you work with two or more drives. If you drag and drop an object from one drive to another drive, that means you are doing the Copy operation whether you are pressing the CTRL & SHIFT key or not.

Use the mouse pointer as your guide. If the mouse pointer has a plus sign that means you are doing the Copy operations. Meanwhile if the mouse pointer has nothing inside it that means you are doing the Move operations.
Maintain the Windows Explorer Settings

If you want to maintain the Explorer window size, follow these steps:

First, open the Windows Explorer as usual, and change all the setting that you want. Click on View, Folder Options menu, and then click on View tab. Make any change that you want but then bring it back to first setting. The last steps will activate the Apply button. Click on the Apply button, and then click OK. From now on, when you open Windows Explorer, Windows 98 will maintain the settings.
Name for the Most Important Folder

Probably you have a special folder for saving the most important documents, for example C:\Documents. If you want it to appear at the top of the folder list, you can rename it by inserting a _ character, so the new name will be C:\_Documents.
Sort the File List in a Quicker Way

The fastest way to sort the file lists on the Windows Explorer is by clicking the Name, Size, Type, or Modified button on the Windows Explorer right-pane. For example, if you click on the Name button all the listed files and folders will be sorted by name (in alphabetical orders). Or, if you click on the Modified button, all the listed files and folders will be sorted by the last modified date.
Variations on an MS-DOS Theme

You can try some of these MS-DOS commands to open Windows 98-style windows from a DOS session:

explorer ..
At an MS-DOS prompt, it will open a single-paned Explorer window and carry you back one directory (from the current directory).

explorer /e,..
(Explorer followed by a space, then parameter e, then a comma and a double period), to open a two-paned Explorer window focused on the parent of the current directory.

explorer c:\....\....
(Explorer followed by a space and a path) to open a single-paned window focused on the specified directory.
Change Your Files Date

If you look at several files that produced by various software companies, you can see that all files have a similar time and date properties. You can do the same to your files, just follow these steps:

Double-click on the clock at Windows 98 Taskbar, and then adjust it to a new time and date. For example January 1, 2000, 00:00. Click OK. Open the MS DOS prompt window, and then go to the folder that you want to change its date and time. Type a copy command by using this format: COPY /B filename+,,

For example if your file name is document.txt, then you must type:

COPY /B document.txt+,,

Type Y at the confirmation box. Now you can check your files date and time by using the DIR command.
************************************************ Hidden Parameters

Used on the Config.sys SHELL= line, or at the MS-DOS prompt, to prevent the execution of the Autoexec.bat file when booting. Example: SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /E:512 /D /P

Used to display the "ERRORLEVEL" return code messages after executing each external DOS command. This switch can be used on the Config.sys file SHELL= line. Example: SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /E:512 /P /Z
Creating a Macro using Doskey

You can find Doskey feature in the MS-DOS prompt. This feature can create a macro that makes it possible to redefine the other MS-DOS commands. For example, if you want to redefine the Mem command so it can stop the screen after one page, add these following commands into the Autoexec.bat file:

Doskey mem=mem.exe $* /p

The $* characters means include any parameter after the Mem command.

If you often open a folder named Database, it is unnecessary always to type "cd database" in the command prompt. As a replacement, add these following commands into the Autoexec.bat file:

doskey d=cd database

From now on, to enter the database folders, all you must do is type "d" (without quotation mark) in the command prompt, and then press Enter.
Extra DOS Menus

Anytime you open an MS-DOS window under Windows, a DOS icon appears in the upper-left corner of the window. Click the icon, and a menu of commands appears. Did you know that all these commands are accessible from the Taskbar as well? Right-click the MS-DOS item there, and the same menu appears.
Fdisk Hidden Parameters

Enables the use of FAT32 file system on hard drives smaller than 512 MB. Normally not allowed by default.

FDISK x /PRI:ps /EXT:es /LOG:ls
x = drive number (1, 2, 3... etc.). Drive #1 corresponds to the 1st hard disk installed on your machine (C, D, E... etc.).
/PRI:ps = creates a primary partition of size... (in megabytes).
/EXT:es = creates an extended partition of size... (in megabytes).
/LOG:ls = creates a logical drive in the extended partition of size... (in megabytes).

Repairs a damaged boot sector by overwriting it with a fresh copy (writes a new Master Boot Record to the hard disk without altering the partition table information).
************************************************ Hidden Parameters

Checks the existing format of your disk, and then proceeds with an unattended disk format. It does not prompt for a volume label, it does not prompt to format another disk, no delay, no user intervention, ends without pausing, and displays disk space statistics after completion.

This parameter works exactly like /AUTOTEST, but it does prompt the user for a volume label, and it does display disk space information upon completion.

This parameter is similar to using the MIRROR command (MS-DOS 5.0 and earlier only).

FORMAT drive: /U
This parameter performs an unconditional format, which destroys every byte of data on a disk by overwriting it with hex F6h. You cannot unformat a disk formatted using the /U option.

This particular combination of parameters makes a disk. Do not use these two format switches together on any drive!

FORMAT drive: /Z:n
Formats a FAT32 drive with a cluster size of n times 512 bytes. Meaning:
drive: = your hard drive letter (C:, D:, E:... etc).
n = number of sectors per cluster multiplied by 512 (cluster size in bytes).
n = 1 creates a 512 bytes cluster;
n = 2 creates a 1024 bytes (1 KB) cluster;
n = ? creates a ? x 512 = ???? bytes (???? bytes : 1024 = ? KB) cluster.
You can modify the size of the allocation units (sectors) on a FAT32 drive to your heart's desire.
Loading the Mouse Driver

When you restart Windows 98 to MS DOS mode (by clicking the Start-Shut Down-Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode? menus), then your mouse cannot be used anymore. To solve this problem, usually you have to load the mouse driver using Autoexec.bat file. Unfortunately, this method wastes your memory when you are using Windows 98, since the mouse driver is no longer needed in the Windows mode.

Actually, an alternative is to write the load commands into the DOSSTART.BAT file. You'll find this file in the C:\Windows file. Alternatively, you can create it by yourself using Notepad.
Mem.exe Hidden Parameters

Displays a short summary screen of your memory configuration and the status of the HMA. HMA (High Memory Area) is a little known 64 KB area just above the first megabyte (1 MB = 1,024 KB = 1,048,576 Bytes) of RAM mapped by MS-DOS HIMEM.SYS memory manager (or another 3rd party high/extended/expanded memory manager, like Quarterdeck QEMM386, Helix NetRoom RM386, IBM 386MAX, etc). Part of DOS module itself and of MS-DOS BUFFERS usually load into the HMA. Example of MEM /A output display (only the HMA info is shown here):
"Available space in High Memory Area 1K (944 bytes) MS-DOS is resident in the high memory area."

To display all available memory configurations at a DOS prompt, run:

MEM /A /C /P
Alternatively, if you prefer technical details (conventional/upper memory regions map and exact hex addresses where all loaded devices/drivers/TSRs reside), run:.

NOTICE: High DOS is enabled by this CONFIG.SYS line (the "HIGH" switch): DOS=HIGH,UMB
More Efficient with Subst

The SUBST.EXE command makes it possible to treat a directory as a drive. Therefore, a long directory name can be shorten to just a drive letter (C:, D:, E:, etc). For example, type this command at MS DOS prompt:

subst e: c:\data\1998\april\report

From now on, every time you want to open that folder, you only have to type cd e: . To find out all subst parameters type subst /? at the MS DOS command prompt.
Pipe (|) Character

Type dir /s | more in the command prompt then press Enter to show all folders one screen at a time. Alternatively, type dir /s /o | more to sort all folders in alphabetical order.

If you want to see contents of a document one screen at a time, type this command: type document.txt | more.

If you want to switch to the Programs folder and then run application.exe, use this command: cd program | application.
Renaming the Long File Name

How to rename a long file name from MS DOS mode? As you know, MS-DOS prompt only can show 8-characters file names.

You have a long file name document, for example March - Monthly Expenses Report.doc. Then you want to change its name to April - Monthly Expenses Report.doc. In the MS-DOS prompt type:

ren "March*.doc" "April*.doc "
Meanwhile, if you want to change March - Monthly Expenses Report.doc to March - Monthly Sales Report.doc, in the MS DOS prompt type:

ren "*Expenses.doc" " *Sales.doc"
Renaming the Long File Name

How to rename a long file name from MS DOS mode? As you know, MS-DOS prompt only can show 8-characters file names.

You have a long file name document, for example March - Monthly Expenses Report.doc. Then you want to change its name to April - Monthly Expenses Report.doc. In the MS-DOS prompt type:

ren "March*.doc" "April*.doc "
Meanwhile, if you want to change March - Monthly Expenses Report.doc to March - Monthly Sales Report.doc, in the MS DOS prompt type:

ren "*Expenses.doc" " *Sales.doc"
Shortcut for DOS Commands

Want to access DOS command quickly? Just follow these steps:

1. Click on Start - Run, type sysedit and then click OK to open System Editor window.

2. Add this line to Config.sys file:


3. Save the changes and then close System Editor window. Reboot your Windows 98/95.

4. Run Notepad, and then type this two lines text:

Prompt $e[%1;%2;"%3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9";13p
Prompt $n$g

5. Save that file as Command1.bat

6. For example, you want to use Shift+F1 to execute DIR C: command. Look at the table below that the code for Shift+F1 is 0 84. Open MS-DOS window, and type this on MS-DOS prompt:

Command1 0 84 DIR C:

7. Press Enter to execute that command.

Starting from now on, you can press Shift+F1 to execute DIR C: as long as you don't shutdown the computer.

ASCII code number for function buttons
Shift Ctrl Alt
F1 0 84 0 94 0 104
F2 0 85 0 95 0 105
F3 0 86 0 96 0 106
F4 0 87 0 97 0 107
F5 0 88 0 98 0 108
F6 0 89 0 99 0 109
F7 0 90 0 100 0 110
F8 0 91 0 101 0 111
F9 0 92 0 102 0 112
F10 0 93 0 103 0 113
F11 0 135 0 137 0 139
F12 0 136 0 138 0 140

Repeat steps 4 - 7 to make similar batch files, and name it Command2.bat, Command3.bat, etc. Associate it with different DOS commands. If you want the commands always available after computer rebooting, just call those batch files from C:\Autoexec.bat file (use System Editor to do it).
Ver Hidden Parameters

VER is an internal (built-in) MS-DOS command (an actual file does not exist). VER /R displays extended DOS info: the DOS revision and the memory location of the DOS module, in addition to using the plain VER command.
Adjusting Volume in an Easier Way

The easiest way to adjust your sound card volume is by clicking and dragging its icon from taskbar to any place in the desktop. A dialog box will appears on the screen, and then you can use it to adjust your sound card volume. To make this dialog box smaller, press CTRL+S. Press this combination key once again to return it to the normal size.
A New Day, A New Sound

Try this tip if you are bored with the same welcome sound every day and want to use a different sound every time you start Windows 98.

Create a new folder, for example C:\Windows\Sound. Put your WAV files in this folder, change their names to sound01.wav, sound02.wav, sound03.wav, etc. Open Control Panel, double-click on the Sounds icon, select Start Windows option from the Events list, and then click the Browse button. Choose a WAV file that you want to play, for example C:\Windows\Media\Welcome.wav. Click OK. Use Notepad to create a batch file with these following contents:

cd c:\windows\sound
ren sound01.wav soundxx.wav
ren sound02.wav sound01.wav
ren sound03.wav sound02.wav
ren sound04.wav sound03.wav
ren soundxx.wav sound04.wav
copy sound01.wav c:\windows\media\welcome.wav

If you have more than four files in the C:\Windows\Sound folder, you can add as many more commands as you want, just follow the command pattern. Save that batch file, for example as C:\Windows\Change.bat. Add a command into the Autoexec.bat file to activate Change.bat file. From now on, you will hear a different Windows 98 welcome sound every time you start your computer.
Cheap Microphone

Use any headphone as a microphone to record your voice into the computer. Just plug in the headphone to the mic-in socket of your sound card.
Controlling Your Event Volume using Sound Recorder

Open Control Panel and then double-click on the Sound icon. You have to see with what event a WAV file is associated. For example, Critical Stop event on the default setting is associated with Chord.wav. Start Sound Recorder and then open file Chord.wav in Windows\Media folder. Click on Effects, and then choose Decrease Volume. Use the playback button to listen to the result. Repeat this procedure until you are satisfied with the result. Finally, save Chord.wav file. You can do the same procedure on other events.
Count Frames

Windows 95 keeps count of dropped frames during video playback. To display this feature, after you have played a video clip, hold Ctrl and press F5. A box called "Send MCI String Command" will appear on the screen. In the Command box type "Status Frames Skipped" and click Send. Windows 95 will tell you how many total frames were displayed.

NOTICE: You need to use Mplayer.exe (located in your Win95 folder), the default Win95 (multi) Media Player to access the frame rate options. Mplayer.exe can play (among other media file formats): .AVI, MOV, MMV, .MPG, .MPEG, .MPE, .MID, .RMI, .WAV, .FLI, .FLC etc.
Editing Multimedia Files

It is not a secret that you can play all types of multimedia files on the Media Player. However, do you know that you can place Media player's object, such as video clips, into the clipboard and then paste it into a document? To do so, first you have to mark the beginning and the end of your selection. To mark the beginning of a clip, click the Start Selection button. To mark the end of a clip, click the End Selection button. Finally, click the Edit-Copy menus to paste your clip into the clipboard.
Playing a MIDI file on Windows 98 Welcome

Bored with your Windows 98's welcome sound? Try to change that sound with your favorites MIDI files. Open the Control Panel, double-click on the Sounds icon to open the Sound Properties dialog box. Delete the sound reference for "Start Windows" events by selecting "none" option.

Next, create a shortcut to a .MID file. Put this shortcut in the C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp folder. If you do not want the applications that are used to play the MIDI file to appear every time you start Windows 98, right-click on the shortcut, and then click Properties. Click on the Shortcut tab, and then choose "Minimized" from the Run box.
Playing a Single Track CD

Windows 98 allows you to play a single track of Audio CD. To do so, open the Windows Explorer, and then click the CD-ROM drive icon. Before you do that, make sure you have inserted an audio CD into the drive.

On the right-pane of your Windows Explorer, you will see Track01.cda to Track??.cda. You can click one of those tracks to start playing. The track also can be played automatically by double-clicking their icons. Try to drag a track into the Windows 98 desktop to create its shortcut. Rename this shortcut with the title of the songs. From now on, you can play that song (as long as the audio CD has inserted) by double-clicking its shortcut. You also can place this kind of shortcut in the Start menu or a special folder.
Selecting WAV Compression Formats

To save your disk free space, you can convert you WAV files into a compressed format. By default, there are six different formats. To select a format, open your WAV file on Sound Recorder, click the File-Properties menus, and then click the Convert Now button. Here is more detail about WAV compression formats:

DSP Group, Inc. Truespeech
Featuring real-time decompression but is not good enough at the compression process. The best choice to compress human voice, but not for music. Use on the WAV file that you want to insert into a document, worksheet, or mail message.

MS GSM 6.10 Audio
Featuring real-time compression and the best choice to record sounds using the Sound Recorder.

MS CCITT G.711 A-Law and U-Law
It has compression ratio 2-to-1 and compatibility with the US and Europe telephones standard.

Featuring real time compression and decompression. Good to save music. Usually used in encyclopaedia, like MS-Encarta.

Similar with MS ADPCM

MS PCM converter
Using this format, an 8-bit sound card can play 16-bit sound by decreasing the audio quality.
Simplified Media Player Controls

Click File, Open on the menu bar and then double-click a multimedia file you want to play. Double-click the title bar to simplify the Media Player controls that show up on the screen. To see all Media Player controls you can double-click on the title bar again.
Title of Your Favorites Song

Before you play an audio CD, first enter the title of the songs in the appropriate box on the CD Player. So, every time you want to play a specific song, you do not have to see the track number of the song.

To enter the titles of your favorites songs, run the CD player, click on the Disc, Edit Play List menus. Enter all information that is needed in the Disc Setting dialog box, such as singer name, CD title, and the songs list. Every time you have finished setting a track, click the Set Name button

Note: The song list is saved in the CDPLAYER.INI file.
basic operation

make Your Friend Annoyed

Click on Start-Setting-Control-Panel-Accessibility Options. Move to Keyboard tab, select Use FilterKeys and then click on Settings button. Select on Use Shorcut inside the Settings for FilterKeys area. Select only Beep when keys pressed or accepted inside the Notification area. Select on Ignore quick keystrokes and slow down the repeat rate inside the Filter options area, and then click on Settings button next to it.

Advanced Settings for FilterKeys dialog box will be displayed. Select on Slow down keyboard repeat rates, move all sliding button to the Short, click OK, and OK again. Now move to Sound tab, select on Use SoundSentry and then click on Settings button next to it.

Settings for SoundSentry dialog box will be displayed. Choose Flash Desktop on the first column, Flash Display on the second column, and then click OK. Click OK again to close Accessibility Options box.

Starting from now, monitor screen will be blinked every time your friend types something on keyboard

An Easy Way to Close Applications

As you know, you can close an opened application by pressing Alt+F4. Actually, there is another method, by pressing Alt+spacebar then followed by C.
Avoiding Startup Applications

As you know, if you press the SHIFT key on the Windows 98 booting process, then no applications in the StartUp folder will be activated. Unfortunately, if you perform this process too fast then Windows 98 will be executed on the Safe mode. The better method is holding the CTRL key when the hourglass pointer appears on the screen.
Ctrl+Alt+Del for the Not Responding Applications

If you open too many applications on your computer, sometimes one of those applications will make your computer stop responding. To get around this problem, press Ctrl+Alt+Del. The Close Program dialog box will appear on the screen. Select the not responding application and then click End Task.
Creating Hot Keys

As an alternative to activate a Windows 98 application, you can create hot keys. To create a hot key, right-click an application shortcut, choose Properties, click Shortcut tab, and then type a letter in the Shortcut key box (for example W for Word). Automatically, Windows 98 will use the CTRL+ALT+W keys as the hot keys.
Desktop with Server Performance

If you have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a backup data card, then change your computer performance profile to a network server. This profile is buffering aggressively the memory data, so reducing disk operation time. To change the profile, right-click My Computer, select Properties, and then click the Performance tab. Click the File System button, and then change the Typical role of this machine setting option to Network Server.
Faster Printing

Shorten the time to configure your printer by installing the same printer in the same port twice. For example, add a new printer to print black and white documents then add another printer to print color documents. Or, add a new printer to print in the envelope size then add another printer to print in the A4 paper. Don't forget to use the printer names that show the configuration. From now on, if you need different configurations just select the appropriate printer without reconfiguring your printers.
Faster Quick View

As you know, you can use the Quick View facility to view all kinds of file contents. You can activate this facility by right-clicking the file icon and then choose Quick View menu. The problem occurs when you try to view a lot of file. Obviously, you do not want to waste your time just right-clicking the icon file one by one.

As the solution, do the normal procedure as mentioned above for the first file and for the rest drag and drop their icons into the Quick View window.
Hacking the Forgotten Password

If you forget your Windows Logon password, all you have to do is press the Esc key when the Password dialog box appears on the screen. Windows 98 will be opened on its default screen. Go to C:\Windows folder, then delete the .PWL file that uses your name as the logon name. For example, if your logon name is John then delete JOHN.PWL file. Click the Start-Shut Down menu and then click Close all programs and log on as another user option. When the Password dialog box appear on the screen, type the same name but with the new password. This method is also useful if you want to break up another user logon.
How to Delete Files from Floppy & Zip Disks

As you know when you delete a file from a floppy, it is gone forever. Same problem occurs with zip disks. To get around this problem, first create a folder on the C:/ drive called "Deleted File". Create a shortcut to "Deleted File" and cut/paste it into the Windows/Send to folder. Paste another shortcut to "Deleted File" on the Desktop [Optional]. Now whenever one wants to delete files from a floppy or zip disk, send them to Deleted File first. Then delete them.
New Quick Launch Toolbars

Drag any folder or any item from the desktop (e.g. My Computer, Recycle Bin, Network Neighborhood, Control Panel icon, etc.) to the edge of the screen and release. You will get a Single Click Quick Launch Toolbar with all the icons inside it.
Print to File

To set up a special "printer" to print documents to a text file, first open the Printers folder in the Control Panel. Double-click on Add Printer. Select Local Printer and click on Next. Select Generic from the manufacturer list, and Generic/Text Only option from the printer list, then click on Next.

Select File from the available ports list and click Next a couple times to add the printer. Highlight the new icon, right-click it and select Properties, then the Paper tab, and change the paper setting to: "continuous, no page-breaks".

You can now select this printer from any Windows 98 application, sending the output in text format to a file. You will be prompted to choose a filename when you print.
Printing with Drag and Drop Style

From My Computer or Windows Explorer, select the documents you want to print. Drag and drop the document icon into the Printer icon on the Windows Explorer left-pane. Alternatively, select your file using Find File or Folder facility and then drag and drop its icon into the Printer shortcut.
Quick Startup to the DOS mode

If you want to enter the DOS mode on Windows 98 Startup, usually you have to press F8 key when "Starting Windows 98" message appears on the screen. From this menu then you choose "Command prompt only" option. To get faster process, try to press Alt+F5 when the "Starting Windows 98" message appears on the screen.
Quick Switch to Another Tab

There is an easy way to switch to another tab when you work inside a dialog box. Just press Ctrl+Tab keys to switch to the right tabs or press Ctrl+Shift+Tab keys to move to the left tab.
Removing the Annoying Password

As you know, you can create two or more desktop settings, each one accessed by using a specific password. If this password is annoying, then you can perform these steps to delete the password:

First, open Control Panel, double-click Password icon, click User Profiles tab, and then click the All users of this PC use the same preferences and desktop setting option. Click Change Password tab, and then click Change Windows Passwords. Type your old password and leave the other boxes empty. Click OK, click Close, and then restart Windows 98

If the first step above fails to delete the password then open Control Panel, double-click Network icon. Click Primary Network Logon list, and then select Windows Logon. Click OK, and then restart your computer.
Showing the Welcome Screen

When you install Windows 98 for the first time, the Welcome dialog box that appear on the screen offers you to read the tips and Windows 98 tour. If you uncheck the "Show this Welcome Screen next time you start Windows" check box, then this dialog box will never shows up anymore. From now on, if you want to show the Welcome screen just click the Start-Run menus, type welcome, and then click OK.
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The Alternative Shortcuts

It is a common to use Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, or Ctrl+Z, to perform Cut, Copy, Paste, or Undo operations inside Windows 98 applications. Those shortcuts are designed to be pressed easily with the left fingers while the right fingers hold the mouse.

Actually, you can perform the same action using your right fingers. The shortcuts are Shift+Delete for Cut, Ctrl+Insert for Copy, Shift+Insert for Paste and Alt+Backspace for Undo.

WARNING: Use the Shift+Delete keys only inside an application, if you use this shortcut inside Windows Explorer it will permanently deletes your files.
Automatic Time and Date

Notepad can create automatic time and date. To activate this feature, type ".LOG" (without quotation mark) at the first row of your document and then save using Save option on menu bar. Every time you open that file, you will see a note that shows the current date and time.
Cheating at FreeCell (1)

If you have no more idea how to finish FreeCell game, you can hold down CRTL+SHIFT+F10 keys. A message will appear on the screen. Choose Abort, and then drag a card to the top. Computer will finish the game for you.
Cheating at FreeCell (2)

Start a game. If you've moved the wrong card in FreeCell, quickly press F10 before clicking on another card. It's the Undo button. And finally, let it be known that after you have won 65,535 games, FreeCell resets your winning streak back to zero.
Cheating at Minesweeper

Start a game. Click the right mouse buttons & the left mouse button together. While clicking both buttons press Escape. The timer has stopped. Play as slow as you want.
Cheating at Solitaire

Start a game. Choose Game, Options from the menu bar, and then click Draw three. You can also put the scoring and status on. Type in "xyzzy" (without the quotes). Hold down the CTRL + ALT + SHIFT & click on the deck of cards.
Fitting a Picture in The Workspace

If you often use Copy and Paste to create and edit a picture on Paint, there is a tip to make your work easier. Click Image, Attributes on menu bar to display Attributes dialog box. Type 1 in the Width and Height box, choose pels from Units group, and then click OK. Now, every time you Paste into the workspace, Paint displays a question dialog box, asking whether you want to enlarge the bitmap. Choose Yes and you will get a picture that fits the workspace size.
Mysteries in Solitaire

Choose Game, Deck from menu bar and then choose one of card designs. The last design is a magician's hand holding three Aces. The fourth Ace sometimes mysteriously peeks out of the hand's sleeve. Meanwhile, the cocoa tree design has a sun that sometimes wears sunglasses and sticks out its tongue.
One Shortcut for Three Applications

It is possible to create a shortcut that opens three applications in the same time. To do so, open Notepad, type start followed by a space and the command line of an application (for example, c:\windows\calc.exe), and then press Enter. If your path includes long file or folder names, you must either enclose the path with quotation marks (for example, "c:\programfiles\accessories\notepad.exe") or use shortened versions of the long names (for example, c:\progra~1\ access~1\notepad.exe). Add more lines following this pattern for each programs you want to start with one icon. When you are finished, choose File, Save and type a file name (in quotation marks) with the .bat extension. Double-click the batch file or its shortcut to launch the programs.
Preventing a File with Double Extension

If you create a new file in WordPad or Notepad and save it, these applications add a TXT extension regardless of whether you add an extension by yourself. You can end up with filenames like DOCUMENTS.TXT.TXT. To prevent them from adding the extension, put quotation marks around your filename ("DOCUMENTS.TXT") in the SaveAs dialog box.
Save without Save

Just like another applications for Windows 95/98, WordPad supports "scraps". You can take benefit from this feature. First, open WordPad and set it to a minimal view with no toolbar or status bar. Type your note. Highlight the text and then drag-and-drop it into your Desktop. A "WordPad Document Scrap" will be created and automatically saved.
Sort a Group of Numbered File Name

If you use Notepad, Wordpad, or Paint, probably you create and save a file using a numbered name like pic01.pcx, pic02.pcx, and pic03.pcx. If so, make sure that you have inserted enough leading zeros in each name. Without leading zeros, you can end up with disordered file name list, for example pic11.pcx appearing before pic2.pcx.

Triple Click

Using click or double-click mouse inside Windows 98 is like an everyday job. If you work in WordPad, there is another type of click: people call it triple click. Triple click is also available on more complex word processors, such as Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect. You can use triple click to select a paragraph or to select all paragraphs on your document. That depends on locations where you use the triple click. If you use the triple-click inside a paragraph, it will select a paragraph. But, if you use the triple-click to the left of a paragraph, it will select all paragraphs on your document.
Viewing a Message to Your Computer User

Before lend your PC or Notebook to a friend, you can type a message inside it, just to remind him or her. Type this message on WordPad, use big size font, and then save it. Open Windows Explorer, and then move the message to Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp folder. Now, every time your friends use your computer, the message will appear on the Windows 98 desktop.